A Million Little Things
In the summer of 2018, I met DJ Nash, the creator of the ABC Drama A Million Little Things. A mutual friend introduced us because DJ was looking for a mental health professional to consult on his new show. He explained the premise of the show – which is based on actual events in DJ’s life. AMLT is the story about the death of a man with a young family by suicide – and the impact of his death on his family and friends.
DJ is a gifted storyteller and an incredible human being – who has become a dear friend over the years. Although he and ABC were initially looking for a consultant to mitigate any risk due to the sensitive nature of the show’s content, he quickly realized that he could use my expertise to actively inform and shape the show’s storylines – whether about depression, substance abuse, sexual assault, post traumatic stress or bipolar disorder – to ensure authenticity and depth.
DJ immediately brought me into the “writer’s room”- to discuss storylines and character development. He regularly sought consultation regarding the impact of a specific storyline on members of the viewing audience who might be especially vulnerable to a specific theme. I have reviewed every outline and every script of every episode.
But my work with DJ has gone far beyond the traditional bounds of working on a television show. During the first season of AMLT, DJ decided that one episode should feature the “friends” supporting a charitable event to raise awareness for a non profit supporting mental health. He chose Give an Hour – to help raise awareness about our mission. And then, he decided that we should hold an actual event in Los Angeles – and so we did. We cohosted the 5K for the Five Signs in support of Give an Hour and the Campaign to Change Direction.
When I asked DJ to serve as a National Ambassador for PREVENTS, he agreed without hesitation and regularly used his platform to support our efforts. And it was DJ who gave me the official title of “Dr. B”.
It has been an honor and a joy to work with DJ, the dedicated writers and the talented actors on AMLT. I hope that someday all writers, directors and producers will care as much and work as hard to ensure that the stories they tell are true to the lives of those who inspire their work.