Got a question for Dr B?
Over the course of my career, I’ve been proud to be a resource for family, friends and colleagues – who’ve needed help because they or a loved one were struggling with a mental health challenge. Many times, friends knew that something was off or wrong – they knew that they needed to do something different or get help of some kind – but they didn’t know what to do next.
Sometimes I would get on a call to talk through the situation – sometimes I would work my network to find a referral… Always, I would provide reassurance that help is available – once we understand the problem.
Ask Dr B is a continuation of what I’ve done for 30 years – help those in need get basic information to allow them to take a next step. I am honored to be able to share my expertise and experience with you. Please send in your video or And know that your question will help so many others who are seeking the same answers.